I'm another new user to these forums.
Thanks, in advance for your help on this issue. I'll try to be brief

I have a 81 spider 2000 that has an older engine/tranny in it. Not sure the year but it is a carb with points ignition (not fuel injected).
I drove the car for a few months last summer, and as time went on, the cluth became stiffer than usual, and started sticking on the floor. The slightest pull back with my toe released it.
I've read this may be an issue with the pressure plate springs wearing out and not returning with enough force.
I've since pulled the clutch cable and lubed it properly. And noticed a few things...
While disengaging the cable from the transmission, I noticed i could move the lever (that the cable attaches to) quite easily with my hand up to the point I think it engages the pressure plate. I could move it well over an inch.
I'm going to try adjusting the cable so there is mush less play before engagement and see if that engages enough spring pressure to return the clutch pedal.
I also noticed while the cable was disengaged that the spring on the pedal itself inside the car springs the pedal both all the way up, or once you pass the middle point, it throws the pedal all the way to the floor. I found this quite bizzare. I thought the spring on the pedal would have helped keep the pedal up (like the brake pedal return spring)... not spring it down.
Any insight would be apprecited. Next step if adjustment doesn't work is to hand it over to a "fiat mechanic".