They sure make a lot of money though. I'm reminded of a third world dictator who shall remain nameless, who bled his country dry so it couldn't repay its national debt loans. It cost the US and UK taxpayer hundreds of millions when our governments wrote off the debt.So Cal Mark wrote:This section is titled OffTopic and Social. I could have removed it, but that would be the tactics of a heavy-handed dictator and we all know what happens to them. All of a sudden their statues get toppled.
I agree with you whole heatedly ..but,,Where are you going to get these cooler heads ? This last voting didn't come up with any . What we have now is Hypocrites who just a year ago said they wouldnt put this burden on our kids and grandkids of borrowing us in to more debt. LDpope wrote:But this is starting to really worry me. I am not trying to bash a party, only this policy. As Americans, we are all in this together. I think it is irresponsible of America to even get close to this tipping point. I think we should slow down and have cooler heads prevail.
By Congressional Budget Office's calculation, Obama's budget would generate deficits averaging almost $1 trillion a year of red ink over 2010-2019, with a total deficit of 9.3 trillion in 2019.
Worst of all, CBO says the deficit under Obama's policies would never go below 4 percent of the size of the economy, figures that economists agree are unsustainable. By the end of the decade, the deficit would exceed 5 percent of gross domestic product, a dangerously high level.
White House budget chief Peter Orszag said that CBO's long-range economic projections are more pessimistic than those of the White House, private economists and the Federal Reserve and that he remained confident that Obama's budget, if enacted, would produce smaller deficits.
Even so, Orszag acknowledged that if the CBO projections prove accurate, Obama's budget would produce deficits that could not be sustained.
"Deficits in the, let's say, 5 percent of GDP range would lead to rising debt-to-GDP ratios that would ultimately not be sustainable," Orszag told reporters.
To add to your story of the third world Bastard dictator is that he died for what he did to his own people and while hanging he thought he would be somewhere with some dreamed up virgins ..so in the end it wasnt worth having a stutue was it ?Spiddy wrote:They sure make a lot of money though. I'm reminded of a third world dictator who shall remain nameless, who bled his country dry so it couldn't repay its national debt loans. It cost the US and UK taxpayer hundreds of millions when our governments wrote off the debt.So Cal Mark wrote:This section is titled OffTopic and Social. I could have removed it, but that would be the tactics of a heavy-handed dictator and we all know what happens to them. All of a sudden their statues get toppled.
So what did the bastard do? Just what any other self respecting dictator would do......the very next week, he went out and bought himself a 747 complete with all the trimmings.
Extra Virgin. OK, I have an olive grove with one of the properties we own (part of my retirement plan). It came with the house, I didn't really want it but splitting land is impossible here. So I'm lumbered with 4000 sq m of olive grove. There is no way I can look after it - wouldn't know where to start - so the guy we bought it from looks after it and pockets the proceeds. But he does give us 15 litres of Extra Virgin Olive Oil each year from the grove. HAVE YOU TRIED USING 15 LITRES OF THE STUFF EACH YEAR? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! We now have a stockpile of about 40 litres of the stuff and the next delivery is due any time now. SO IF YOU WANT IT LET ME KNOW!!!!!So Cal Mark wrote:hmmm, 72 virgins does sound enticing. Maybe if they were extra-virgin I might go for it
Give me your adress.So Cal Mark wrote:I drink the stuff like pop, send it along