Finished the dash today, so I though I would post the pics of the process.
Here's what I started with. This is actually an old pic with everything pulled out - before I did the carpet.
I made a one-piece dash this time. In the past I've generally not been a big fan of the one piece dash, mostly because the ones I've seen look pretty blank in the midsection. However, I've also been generally unhappy with the three-piece dash panels that I've made because I can never get them to line up correctly, resulting in a bit of a haphazard look when I put them all in. So I compromised with myself and built a one-piece and tried to balance the design left, middle and right. The pieces are here.
You'll also see that I was a little creative with the design of the glove box. I'm sure some will not like the result, as it is very non-originale, but I'm happy with the look and the function. I'm going to look for a badge of some kind to go on the front of the door to alleviate some of the plain-ness. I think it needs something else on that end for balance.
Here I have installed the center section controls and phone mount. The phone thing is very "me". I'm a gadget guy and love to use the maps and such on my phone. The mount includes a charging cable and audio cable that pull out from behind the phone. That way I can plug the phone into the stereo easily for ipod or Pandora use on the road. (No, I do not text while driving. Only use the phone if I have a headphone on.)
Close up of the center section. Left switch is for heater fan. Right switch is for hazard lights.
Phone mount is made from plumbing parts.
Assembled with gauges.
I had to modify the center section of the dash to accept the alternate placement of the controls in the center section. Yes, I am now "that guy" that cut up the center section of his dash. If it's any help, I plan to keep this car till the end of time, so at least I'll never be that "idiot PO that cut up the center of his dash". Or at least that's the plan.
Final complete pictures. The final install also included replacing the speedo cable - a process that went smooth as silk.