I thought my blower motor was kaput, or something else behind the dash, but all that was wrong was the switch is dodgy. I had toggled it back and forth with no effect, many times. So, I was preparing to rip apart the dash. I popped the switch out, to have a better look at it, and once I found the hot wire, I started looking more closely at the switch itself. It had some corrosion and light rusting on the outside, so I though it was likely that the inside was the same. Sure enough, after about a hundred clicks, back and forth, the fan started coming on.
It's working intermittently now, both low and high speed, and I thought about taking it apart and cleaning it up, but I can get a new switch for $20, including shipping, so I went that route. What a relief, to find out that I don't have to replace the blower motor, and don't have to take the whole blower assembly apart. Whew!