Shift Knob removal ??

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Shift Knob removal ??

Post by maxdog »

I want to sort out my shifter rattles but I cant remove the shifter knob . It rotates freely on top of the standard gear lever but won't unscrew or pull off . Carefully controlled violence has no effect , is there a trick to this or do I have to hack saw it off ?
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Re: Shift Knob removal ??

Post by bobplyler »

You just have to hold the shaft that's spinning.
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Re: Shift Knob removal ??

Post by nelsonj »

It's supposed to rotate freely if stock (and this drove me crazy). I removed mine years ago and replaced it with a Michigan Shorter Shifter. The Shorter Shifter attaches with Allen screws and doesn't rotate and makes the shifter shaft about 4 inches smaller (as I recall). It's the only solution I know of to a rotating shifter knob and I love it.

As for removing the stock, search the board - I vaguely recall shoving a small screw driver up the seam, but honestly I forget how I got it apart. Again, search the board - it's out there.

Good luck.

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Re: Shift Knob removal ??

Post by aj81spider »

Do you mean the knob or the chrome extension? The knob simply unscrews. As pointed out already if the chrome extension is spinning you need to hold it so you can unscrew the knob. The chrome extension comes off with the knob on it. If you are trying to remove the chrome extension then as pointed out you insert a small screwdriver and pry the plastic latch open.

1974 Fiat 124 Spider
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Re: Shift Knob removal ??

Post by maxdog »

Thanks every one for your help ,I needed to remove the knob, to remove the boot, to get at the gear lever extension to replace the bush, to stop the = = = = = =!
This is eerily like the kids chant about the house that Jack built !
Thanks again ,now for the console removal to get at the heater core . The maintenance season is upon us
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